The Figurehead Oracle is a card deck consisting of 30 original linocut prints. Each card depicts a figure with an object for a head that embodies a concept essential to the human experience. The deck also comes with a guide book that contains brief descriptions of the cards.

To do a reading, enter a quiet space in your mind, shuffle the deck, and draw a single card. Sit with it for a moment, and then, if you feel so inclined, find the card in the guidebook and read the description.

Ask yourself the following questions:
What is my initial reaction to this card?
Is this card relevant to my life right now? Why or why not?
Regardless, what insight can be gained from this card?

It is important to note that these cards are above all else a tool for self-reflection. They cannot tell your fortune and they have no say in your future, but if you let them, they may provide you with some wisdom in the present.